Monday 29th January 2024

I know it happens every year, but we have hardly got our Christmas decorations in the loft when it is February. The only bonus this year is that we get an extra day on the 29 February as it is a leap year. This month we have taken the theme of Scotland for January, and it has been great singing Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl. I usually follow the song and ask people if they can remember their Co-op number. It really is amazing how many people can remember theirs, their mother’s, and some their grandmother’s. This dementia thing can be quite baffling, can’t it? When family members hear this and then realise that the person cannot remember their name it can be so distressing. There is one thing about Scottish songs, the melodies and lyrics unite people. They are like a rallying cry.

This week I spent time with a carer who is having to deal with the issue of finding a care home for the person she loves the most. Having been a care home manager and received people into care homes, I have seen just how devastating decisions like these really are. My head tells me that there comes a time when people living with dementia need a team of people to support them and while this is true you need time for your heart to catch up with your head.

Also, in this past week I spent time with one of our Choir members who lives alone, when I arrived to see him, he had no heating and was huddled around a fan heater. Along with his daughter I helped to get him two other heaters and arrange for his boiler to be repaired. I also found that his internet was not running. Now, those who know me know that while I can work my way round a computer, I am not the most technical of persons. I do know though when the plug is not fully in the socket then no Wi-Fi signal is possible! You and I might see this as trivial but if you are wanting to send emails to friends abroad and it is the only way of keeping in touch with people you care about, then it can be incredibly frustrating.

Standing alongside those who need us is a privilege and an honour and the thing is, at some point in our lives we will all need the support of others. I heard someone say that we are our best selves when we are in community with others. It’s a statement that is worthy of reflection.

I am reminded of the pop song with the words that say, “Love will keep us together whatever”. Words that are so easily sung but take immense physical and emotional strength for them to become a reality. If you need a friend, take courage, pick up the phone, send an email and reach out, as another song says, “reach out, reach out I’ll be there with the love to see you through”. Whether you are the one reaching out or the one being reached out to, then play your part with strength and respect.

Have a good week.